Astral Claw – (Secessionists) – Brooks
Nova Marines (Loyalist) – Kevin
Sector 2
Battle 1,500 points using Annihilation / Pitched Battle
Astral Claws: Captain, 10 terminators, 10 Vanguard, 10 scout sniper rifle, 10 space marines.
Nova Marines: Captain & command squad, land raider crusader, dreadnought, attack bike, 3 units of 10 space marines.
Nova Marines: Captain & command squad, land raider crusader, dreadnought, attack bike, 3 units of 10 space marines.
Having consolidated their position around the power generator located on Verkruz, the Nova Marines began a series of recon missions. Captain Aadok still recovering from his wounds directed Captain Shyam to recon, locate and establish a forward base in the Napf Valley. Upon arrival at the valley, the Nova Marines discovered the Astral Claws using the valley as an assembly point.
Having dispatched the Astral Claws vanguards, the Nova Marines directed all fire at the terminators. Four of the Astral Claws terminators were blown apart from Plasma Cannon fire. With guns blazing, the terminators charged both the crusader and command squad. The Nova Marines command squad was forged from blood and steel and weathered both the shooting and assault of the terminators killing several in return. Anticipating the pending doom of their captain and his command squad the shaken Crusader repositioned itself to a better firing position. Outnumbered the Nova Marines Captain prepared for the terminator assault. Many blows were exchanged and both sides suffered losses, in the end the Nova Marines Captain laid broken and unconscious. But as the dust settled, amidst the blood and carnage, a lone Nova Marines veteran stood. With both sides bloodied, orders were given and both armies made tactical withdrawals to consolidate their forces.
Games Results: Tie - Nova Marines 4 points and Astral Claws 4 points
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